
As an educator and instructor, it is important that you employ self-reflection to continue to develop your skills. We encourage you to engage in reflection and approach self-assessment as a developmental rather than an evaluative endeavor. You should think critically about your instruction and approach teaching as a decision-making process. 

Reflective questions to consider

  • How clear are my directions?
  • What kinds of questions do I ask students?
  • Do I give all students equal attention?
  • What is the distribution of student and teacher talk in class?
  • What kinds of verbal and nonverbal feedback do I give students?
  • How often do students direct their comments to classmates, and how often so they direct them to me?
  • How well do I answer students' questions? Are my answers more complex than the questions merit?
  • How well am I implementing the curriculum?
  • How well do I handle unanticipated  classroom events?

observation forms

Below is a downloadable PDF that contains two different observation forms that you can use to assess your own teaching. Though they are structured to be used in observing others, they are perfectly adaptable to use as a self-reflection tool!

Teacher Observation Forms
Teacher Feedback Forms.pdf
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